The verse above is my credo, a rule of life, and everything I have scribed here emanates from that Source which I know as Mystery. The writings as a body named themselves “Majesterium” when I asked what I should call them. ‘Majesterium’ is an imaginary word, but seems to be a conflation of the words ‘magesterium’, a body of religious authority, and ‘majesty’, which means grandeur, or a quality of splendor and greatness, but also means sovereign authority. And I think the word ‘mysterium’ is also implied, so it is a brilliant word, really, that should exist and so exists here!

I hope you find these writings as inspiring as I do.

Real Time Thomas Group

A twice-a-month Wednesday study of the Gospel of Thomas held from 9:00 to 11:00 am EST. Gathering the first and third Wednesday of each month and mentored by Alice Despard via Zoom, each meeting consists of an opening meditation followed by an in-depth discussion of the logion selected for that week. 

Meditations on the Tarot 

An on-going twice-monthly study group navigating through this important and dense volume attributed to Valentin Tomberg on the Christian Hermetic journey.


Pilgrimage has been for me a crucial mode of exploration of the world as a reflection of my inner life, and I have thrown myself on the pilgrimage road several times— on the Camino de Santiago, to walk the Way of St. James in Spain and Portugal, as well as short pilgrimages with groups to visit the homeland of St. Kevin and St. Patrick in Ireland and to Assisi, homeland of St. Francis and St. Clare, in Italy. I love the pilgrim approach to living because it has helped me to abandon expectations and to cultivate gratitude and flexibility in all my walks of life. There seems to be a rapidly growing interest in pilgrimage and I am glad to share some of my resources with you, fellow pilgrims.

Sound and Vision

Finally, I thought I should share my music with you. I have been a singer, song-writer and guitarist since my earliest decades, and so have found myself in several wonderful collaborations with other musicians, also known as bands, and these fellow collaborators gave me the courage to put out several albums of my songs. So, I have gathered here my albums in vinyl, CD, and digital format, going back three of my decades from 1986-2016. If you prefer all mod cons, you can find me on Spotify and YouTube, dear potential fans.


Majesterium is the name I have given to a body of inspired writings I have been transcribing in my journals over the course of many years since I began a practice of meditation. They are the fruits of that practice when I began to tune inward towards the internal “still, small voice” which spoke to me with such authority and gave me such loving guidance that I feel compelled to share the more universal of these writings with you, dear unknown friends.

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