Inspired Writings

In Praise of the Beloved
July 6, 2006
The Work of Love
July 6, 2006
Unfoldment of ‘Caritas’
July 6, 2006
Where Dwellest Thou?
June 29, 2006
The Willow and the Reed
June 28, 2006
Come to Me all you who suffer and are downcast in heart.
June 28, 2006
About Me

Majesterium is the name I have given to a body of inspired writings I have been transcribing in my journals over the course of many years since I began a practice of meditation. They are the fruits of that practice when I began to tune inward towards the internal “still, small voice” which spoke to me with such authority and gave me such loving guidance that I feel compelled to share the more universal of these writings with you, dear unknown friends.