The Beatitudes: “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”–Matt. 5:9

October 17, 2002
(A Meditation)

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts!
All honor and glory be unto Him
Who stands in the Sanctuary of the Holy Spirit.
Praise His Name above all others and be
mindful of His Presence at all times.
The dawn shall not be seen which shall not exalt
Him and the shores of dust recede before His Glory.
All shall bow and receive the blessings of the Holy Comforter
in their greatest time of need.
The time for peace action is nigh and all who stand
for Love must stand tallest of all.
Those who cower must pluck up their resolve
and move their hearts to center stage.
Fear dissolves in the fiery furnace of the heart.
It cannot exist where faith exists, for faith subsumes
all in the mighty flame of Love.
Let the flame of Love proceed from thy mouth,
that all may be warmed by thy words of comfort.
Let the heart play upon the lips and be heard abroad.
Stand not down at any cost, but proceed with the surety
that Christ be in you and with you, and sustaining you
moment by moment, age to age.
The thrum beat of chaos and war at hand
will recede into silence where thy Lord resides.
Be there and dwell in His Holy Peace,
the stillness of which is beyond understanding,
yet calms the mind as a balm.
Embrace the open-ended futurity of man,
and fear not, for He is Lord of All
and All that which is His shall remain His forevermore.


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