May 25, 2005
Sing unto the Lord a new song,
and sing His praises to all
the peoples of this earth.
Do not wait upon signs from
the heavens to move yourself forward–
forward you must go,
by hook or by crook
(by the crook of the Hermit preferably);
one step into the dark place at a time,
measured and sure of footing.
There is no Adversary to avoid upon the Way.
One only meets such if one wanders from the Path.
Otherwise, guidance is sure, even in the darkest passages.
Hold not back from hard decisions:
these must needs be made
and forged in the heart’s furnace–
choices laid out, true course discerned,
mark the stones as you go, don’t look back.
Ever forward must you strive,
and striving of the highest order must be,
for you, essential.
Seek your highest calling:
Who is the highest bidder for your future?
You alone know this, no other can advise at
this juncture. Follow the heart on this question.
Allies are all around you; they swarm to meet you
when your course is true. Fall off course,
and allies grow few; they disperse like patchy fog.
But they will be thick around you in your chosen work:
the work of the Soul’s Way.
All souls need instruction in the Way.
Each and every soul can comprehend,
on some level, the role they play in the grand scheme,
the Great Work, as you know it.
They need guidance, at the level where they have need,
just as you also need it and have learned to seek within.
Those who so far avoid the search within can still be turned
to face inward and hence begin the journey with baby steps.
Hence, sacred music, psalms, prayer and ritual–
all serve to point the querying soul towards the
Immanent Presence. All of these practices serve
to seed the soul with germs of light, Divine Presence,
peace, and the beginnings of a yearning to turn inwards
and seek the One In Whom All Things Have Their Being.
It is right and good to serve this cause for as many
souls as you can reach, and as often as possible,
especially through the power of repeated ritual.
Communion is powerful indeed. All sacraments
can be explored on multiple levels, according to
the spiritual development of each.
Find the kernel of truth in each movement of
your spiritual practice: watch and feel closely
the progress thereby gained within through each
mindful gesture, prayer, thought and action.
Diligently observe the progress of others as
well as yourself. Encourage and sustain all in
their efforts to seek out the deeper meanings,
the inner resonances of the soul’s deepest chambers.
It is a wondrous and exquisite process, and one
which you are privileged to partake in and share
with others at this special time–a time of great
dispensation and grace forthcoming.
Be well.
Be at peace.
Go forward in Christ.
~your friend and guide on the Way
Fill all the earth with thanksgiving and song!
Praises upon praises give up unto the Lord!