Hold No Expectations

Hold to the space of no expectations;
that place in the center of your being where all peace resides,
where you are aligned with your strongest sense of Self. Expectations create agitation,
even if they are Great Expectations–
especially so!
For the disappointment of a small expectation causes annoyance,
resentment and negative emotions to stir.
You have learned to make those “simmer down” and subside.

But great expectations stir up the heat,
and where there is heat, there comes drama,
and where comes drama, comes distortion and misunderstanding.

So stay, as much as humanly possible, in a state of guardedness,
a state of peace, which allows your light to shine like a beacon
without clouds of distortion reducing the range of that light–
that light which is needed to cast its shaft into the deep darkness,
the almost impenetrable darkness of the path of humanity at this time,
on this plane.

Stay in the place of unknowing,
for that is your armor and your shield
to guard your soul as you make your way in the darkness.

Any fixation on a certain reality, course of events, timelines,
any concentration of mental and emotional energy on the
earth plane, will weaken your spiritual armor.
For any disappointment suffered now will be as an arrow piercing your flesh,
and will cause you to bleed and drain you of your peace and your vitality
you must so carefully and diligently guard, shore up, and stoke with prayer,
centering, and right action in service to others.

Keep oh so carefully to the path of righteousness and beware of losing your way
in the darkness ahead…See ye to it!

Such a paradox is it not?
Remaining in the cloud of unknowing while trying not to get lost in the darkness?
Yet, you must proceed this way:
Follow no false lights.
Listen to no false teachers.
Render not your sovereignty to any false ruler or leader.
And lastly: Fear not, for you are well-loved and protected, Child of God!

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